Posted by JimK

Gift Card Scams

Gift Card Scam

The safest way to purchase gift cards is directly from the merchant or authorized retail merchant. If the merchant discovers the card you received from another source or auction was initially obtained fraudulently, the merchant will deactivate the gift card number, and it will not be honored to make purchases.

Fraudulent Classified Ads or Auction Sales

Internet criminals post classified ads or auctions for products they do not have. If you receive an auction product from a merchant or retail store, rather than directly from the auction seller, the item may have been purchased with someone else’s stolen credit card number. Contact the merchant to verify the account used to pay for the item actually belongs to you.

Shoppers should be cautious and not provide credit card numbers, bank account numbers, or other financial information directly to the seller. Fraudulent sellers will use this information to purchase items for their scheme from the provided financial account. Always use a legitimate payment service to protect purchases.

Diligently check each seller’s rating and feedback along with their number of sales and the dates on which feedback was posted. Be wary of a seller with 100% positive feedback, if they have a low total number of feedback postings and all feedback was posted around the same date and time.

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    Please visit the CDC website for information about COVID-19 (CoronaVirus):

    If you are an at-risk person living in Pleasant View and need help getting groceries, running errands, etc, please send an email to: communityhelp. Along with your request, please include information on how best to contact you. Your email will be distributed to a group of other residents who have expressed interest in helping out.

    If you are a healthy person living in Pleasant View who has not had contact with someone who is a confirmed case and are able to help out a neighbor, please email the administrator and you will be added as a recipient of all emails that are sent to the above communityhelp email group. Please include your full name and address.

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